

mechanic messes

sad to say my dear focus, aka Tommy Boy, died on me yesterday morning. with a million places to go and no way of getting there, bless Andrew for loaning me his car, aka Lucious Champagne (the names are absurd, I know, but it makes our otherwise bland cars fun.) but I can only steal L.C. for so long. attempts to charge Tommy failed miserably...apparently I'm lacking in knowledge of the lifespan of car batteries (why wasn't I taught this back in high school? it seems much more useful to me than pre-cal ever will be. but I digress.)

new battery in hand, andrew and I set out to change it ourselves. him, I had faith in. me, not so much. i'm rather car-ignorant. luckily for us, though, two neighbors jumped in and helped us (well, him) out. sporting worn-out denim and cans of beer (at 10 AM-they are champions!), they helped the mister bring my Tommy back to life.

it's times like these i'm grateful I didn't dive into total hermit mode and move to a house in the middle of nowhere. thank you, neighbors-turned-friends. and though I don't usually accept excessive outdoor Halloween decorations, yours are marvelous. Jack Skellington never looked so welcoming.


self expression winner

there really are no words to go with this photo that will do it justice. i will, however, say this: swagger knows no limits. 
i found this gem while perusing tumblr, in a post about fashion weeks around the world. the gentleman pictured is from Rio, probably pretty proud of the selection of soaps behind him, and (like myself), thinks matching is passe.
rock on, fashion stallion, rock on.


we know how i feel about stripes.

so that is exactly what i'm going to do.



it's probably lame to do a post like this. but after the less than lovely week i've had, i owe a lot to this kid. he has truly been my sanity this week. bringing me coffee, listening to my frantic phone call rants, and reminding me that though things may seem bad, they always get better

thank you for keeping things in perspective, for keeping me level-headed, and most of all, just for being there for me. 

i love you, mister. 

words of advice

life isn't always easy. this we know. it's really isn't easy when you're repeatedly knocked down for something beyond your control, or for trying to do the right thing.

it's ok to not be ok. a friend today reminded me of this. he also reminded me that how people treat you is their karma, how you react to it is yours. i can't control when people do me wrong, but i can do the right thing and move forward.

rough seas never made for a skilled sailor, after all :)


seinfeld posters

it's no secret that i love Seinfeld. granted, it first aired when i was a lot younger, but i can remember watching it with my mama. i appreciate it more now that i actually understand the jokes, and laugh not only when mama laughs (or when Kramer does something spastic-little Whitney thought that was hilarious).

that being said, Rinnee Shah created nine Seinfeld posters, in a series known as Seinfood. brilliant, right? here's a sample below:

All nine posters are available for sale here. Please go check it out, especially if you're a Seinfreak like me!


stripes & such

so, folks, remember that closet cleanse i so excitedly posted about a month or so ago? if not, it's the entry prior to this one. well, slowly but surely the closet is being cleansed, and in doing so i noticed that i have a huge fetish for stripes. my word.

in charleston. looks like a still frame from a movie
with those wide screen bars
orange hair and a bagel after the apocolypic flood
here in east TN about a month ago. cool kids
eat their bagels on the hoods of their cars. god
bless tommy boy for serving as a breakfast tray.
apartment hunting calls for a striped dress. finally got rid of the
orange hair, too! tommy boy's second blog appearance!
okay, so whoever once said black and brown
do not go together never found this cute dress
at target for $20.
there's a pattern here. literally. september stripes are a-go!