

what to do when you're feeling blue

As hard as we may try and fight it, sometimes a case of the blues is inevitable. But just because the blahs try to take hold does not mean you have to give in to them! Here is a list of activities and things to help combat those negative Nancies.

Write a letter to who and/or what is upsetting you. Write furiously, without cease, until all of your feelings of anger are expressed. Afterwards, crumple it up and throw it away. Consider it symbolic of tossing out the anger.

Volunteer. Doing something for the good of others will in turn make you feel good.

Get an overpriced, complicated drink from Starbucks. It's fun being a coffee snob sometimes.

Watch your favorite movie. In bed, with a blanket and a surplus of pillows.

Tattoo yourself with marker. 


Go for a windows-down drive blaring your favorite songs. Treat those other drivers to what your music sounds like.

Plan your dream getaway. Cut out pictures and maps and envision yourself there.

Watch the sunrise. Sacrifice a few hours of sleep; the feeling of being totally renewed is absolutely worth it. 

Buy old vinyl records. Even if you can't play them, owning them makes you feel a little bit cooler. 

Call a friend. Hear their voice. 

Bake cupcakes, the most adorable food on the planet. If you don't eat them, take them to someone special. 

Go to a toy store. Ride the bikes up and down the aisles. 

Go outside! Lay in the sunshine, pick flowers, jump in a pile of leaves, build a snowman...whatever the weather permits. 

Learn something new. A new word, a foreign phrase, the lyrics to a song, etc. 


Send texts to the most interesting people you know.

Watch a good stand-up comedian. Laugh yourself silly. 

Ladies, go to a make-up counter. Enjoy getting dolled up. Release your inner Barbie for a while. 

Wear ridiculous sunglasses, all day. 

Fly a kite.

Hike, walk, or jog outside.  

Take a bubble bath. Give yourself a bubble mohawk, bubble goatee, bubble bracelets, build a bubble me, the more bubbles, the better. 

Recycle. Do the earth a solid. 

Blow bubbles

Indulge in your favorite food and drinks. On a diet? I really don't care. You deserve to eat and drink  whatever you darn well please. 

Try a food unfamiliar to you. Sushi, tempura, schmaltz, picci pacu...even if you don't like it, you can feel proud that you tried it!

Color coordinate. Clothes, books, eyeshadows, shoes, your spice rack...

Listen to Pandora radio. You might surprise yourself with the music you find. 

Browse your local bookstore. Find the funniest titles you can, post up in an overstuffed chair and have at it. 

Give in to your guilty pleasures. Dark chocolate, getting your nails done, Glee...enjoy!

Write your own fortunes for cookies

Buy postcards and send them to the people who make you smile. 

Be cheesy. Take pictures of yourself. 

Hug your friends, family, yourself, or a stranger. 

Go to a candy store. Behave like a kid.

Window shop at absurdly expensive boutiques. 

Visit an antique store

Do some brain teasers. Make yourself feel better with little wins via crossowords, Sudoku, Tetris, word searches, or grid-based logic puzzles that my best friend Lindsay so passionately adores :)

Eat brightly colored kids cereal. Trix are not just for kids.

Paint. Your nails, a canvas, a wall, a fence, your face...

Tumble. Do a somersault or a cartwheel. Be careful not to get hurt! 

Visit If you're not grinning by now, I'll be shocked!


And, most importantly, remember the cardinal rule: 

Le bonheur et l'amoure,
