

the resolution revolution

Hello everyone! This post may seem incredibly clichéd, but a New Year's resolution post seems so fitting! It is New Year's Eve, after all. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of making New Year's resolutions simply for the fact that it seems like I can never follow through with the ones I make. I prefer the term "New Year's Vows" - it somehow makes it sound more concrete, doesn't it? I think so. Anyways! Here are my New Year's Vows...

to always find a reason to smile each and every day / for 2010 to pale in comparison to 2011 / to try as many fun, outlandish, potentially irrational things as possible (i.e. - parasailing!) / to detach myself from my phone / to remember to take my vitamins / to downsize my closet / to read more books for pleasure / to always hold the door open for others / to turn off the lights when I leave the room / to start running / to get more sleep / to drink more water / to learn to drive stick shift / to try new foods / to travel / to call my grandparents weekly / to make my bed daily / to start painting again / to learn to throw a frisbee / to stop observing and start doing / to learn sign language / to cook dinner / to match my socks before putting them away / to say hi to strangers / to blog consistently / to make a budget and stick to it 

2010 is quickly dwindling away! T-minus 7 hours until we welcome 2011! Let's make this the best year yet, friends! 


things i love thursday

Two posts in one day! I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to do a "things I love Thursday" post, though.

Winter blend coffee/ Striped t-shirts / The new Barnes & Noble desk diary / Pink peony flowers / Boots /
This patchwork quilt from Pottery Barn:

Getting my hair done (evidently) / Turner Classic Movies / J.Crew blazers / Phone calls with Nana / The Sartorialist -officially a fan! / New throw pillows / HomeGoods / Machine gear decor & jewelry: 

MGMT's Indie Rokkers - I will forever adore this song / Scarves and gloves / Owls / NARS blush / Boyfriend fit t-shirts / Leather-bound classics / Apartment hunting / Francesca's / Lunch dates / Free days to do whatever I please / Man V. Food on Travel Channel / Bagels / Leather jackets / OPI "Ink" / Saying goodbye to 2010 and welcoming 2011

We're approaching the new year quickly, folks! Are you making any resolutions? 
 Au revoir!

new year,

Yes, folks, I changed my hair today! I took a before and after shot. You can't tell much of a difference, but it's a lot blonder. Whoop whoop!

Pretty dark, right?

There's some blonde in there, I promise!

Okay, so you really can't tell the difference in these pictures haha. But it took 3 hours and a lot of foil! 


favorite awards! 2010 edition

2010 is coming to an end, friends! Can you believe it? And before 2011 arrives, I wanted to make a list of my favorites from the past year. So here it is! My list of favorites from 2010:

Song: "Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second"
Band: MGMT
Album release: MGMT's "Congratulations"
Book: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Movie: Inception
Website: Etsy

Purchase: Moogfest tickets 
Getaway: Seabrook Island, South Carolina
Guilty Pleasure: OPI polish (favorite of the year - "You Don't Know Jacques!") 
Hide Out: Cafe Lola 
Blessing: The birth of my niece, Eden 
Moment: Meeting Andrew VanWyngarden after the MGMT show at Moogfest


Food: Vegetarian Tempura Sushi
Drink: Iced Green Tea
Clothing store: Anthropologie
Techie Item: iPhone
Decor: Apothecary jars
TV show: House
Quote: "You are so much sunshine to the square inch!" -Walt Whitman 

Choosing just one for each was tough work, but it was fun being nostalgic and compiling this list! Get ready to ring in the new year! Let's make 2011 even better than 2010. 


let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Merry Christmas, dear friends! I hope you had as splendid of a holiday as my family and I did. Christmas Eve and today have been filled with family, some I see pretty frequently and some I haven't seen in about a year. It was truly a lovely Christmas.


Along with the rest of the surrounding area, I woke up to a white Christmas this year! Something that hasn't happened in a few years and certainly a welcomed surprise. Tomorrow, I plan on taking it as easy as possible, enjoying my new bathrobe (so fuzzy and oh so comfy), and drinking in the snowfall. Maybe some apple cider and a good book with be thrown in there, too.


If you're out driving in this mess, be safe. Rest easy, readers, and relish in this time of celebration, family, and (now) snow! 

Joyeux Noel et bonsoir, mes amies. 


'tis the season!

Greetings from the road! Thank goodness for 3G. Today my mom and I are taking the annual holiday drive to see my grandparents. This post will be short and sweet-I have some coffee to drink, a mix CD to listen to, and some catching up to do with mom. :)

No matter what holiday you celebrate, whether you do or not, I hope everyone is with the people they love today and tomorrow...because after all, that's what really matters.

Okay, I'm off my soap box, folks.
Merry Christmas Eve!


things i love thursday

I got this idea from my sister-in-law's blog, and I love love love the notion of having a list of things that make you smile. Who wouldn't want a list of lovely things to remind them of what makes them happy?

Source: click here

This shrug from Anthropologie- a million thanks to Derek! / The Food Network / Loose side braids / A well stocked book shelf / Iced green tea from Panera / Budgeting! - I'm finally starting to see the reward to wise spending habits / White bird cages / Thoughtful Christmas cards / "'Tis The Season" candle from Bath & Body Works / The Black Keys - you may recognize this tune from a Zale's commercial; I, for one, was pretty happy to hear this on TV. A fantastic band with an equally fantastic song needs to be heard! Listen, friends. / The paintbrush aisle at Michael's / My mom's text messages: "Luv u!" / Flannel button-ups / Waking up to a pot of coffee / Bay windows / Blank notebooks / Anticipation of spring / Peacoats and gloves / Indigo wash skinny jeans / Pier 1 / Sleepy mornings / Cranberry wreaths / Billowy white curtains / Oversized sweaters /   This paint set below! Dear Santa...
Amazing, isn't it? / Lockets / Red nails (festive!) / Clean sheets / Elizabeth Barrett Browning / Snow flurries /
Oh, and it's Christmas Eve Eve!

Alrighty, friends, that wraps up my first things i love thursday! Thanks again to my sister-in-law for the inspiration. I think I'll keep this tradition up; I certainly enjoyed it! I hope you did, too.

I hope everyone has a safe and festive holiday! Merry (early) Christmas!


a fine romance

The notion of having my own apartment this fall has driven me into a perpetual obsession with interior design. I've started following design blogs like a madwoman, saving pictures to use for my future château. I've completely gone bananas for pastels, lace, intricate patterns, and antique furniture. Here are some gems I found:

Sources (from top to bottom)Pia UlinLeesa O'Reillyink on my fingers 
All of the above found on design is mine: isn't it lovely?

It's official: I've fallen head over heels in love with romantic decor.


in the beginning

I'm not entirely sure what's compelled me to start this thing...after all, I'm not one to openly share things, especially via the internet. But, I figure this could be somewhat therapeutic. I've journaled privately for years, but never for eyes other than my own to read what I think/feel/furiously scribble. This is definitely a change, but I have my fingers crossed it's a positive one. I'm in dire need of a positive change lately.

So, welcome folks, to my open book.