

things i love thursday

I got this idea from my sister-in-law's blog, and I love love love the notion of having a list of things that make you smile. Who wouldn't want a list of lovely things to remind them of what makes them happy?

Source: click here

This shrug from Anthropologie- a million thanks to Derek! / The Food Network / Loose side braids / A well stocked book shelf / Iced green tea from Panera / Budgeting! - I'm finally starting to see the reward to wise spending habits / White bird cages / Thoughtful Christmas cards / "'Tis The Season" candle from Bath & Body Works / The Black Keys - you may recognize this tune from a Zale's commercial; I, for one, was pretty happy to hear this on TV. A fantastic band with an equally fantastic song needs to be heard! Listen, friends. / The paintbrush aisle at Michael's / My mom's text messages: "Luv u!" / Flannel button-ups / Waking up to a pot of coffee / Bay windows / Blank notebooks / Anticipation of spring / Peacoats and gloves / Indigo wash skinny jeans / Pier 1 / Sleepy mornings / Cranberry wreaths / Billowy white curtains / Oversized sweaters /   This paint set below! Dear Santa...
Amazing, isn't it? / Lockets / Red nails (festive!) / Clean sheets / Elizabeth Barrett Browning / Snow flurries /
Oh, and it's Christmas Eve Eve!

Alrighty, friends, that wraps up my first things i love thursday! Thanks again to my sister-in-law for the inspiration. I think I'll keep this tradition up; I certainly enjoyed it! I hope you did, too.

I hope everyone has a safe and festive holiday! Merry (early) Christmas!