

what i'm reading

One of the perks of spring break is finding time to read something I actually want to read. What a novel idea-reading something for fun! It seems like it's nearly impossible to do during the school year, so I'm taking full advantage!

Depending on how well you know me, or how intuitive you are, you may know I am obsessed with books and reading. When I was three, my nana found me holding one of her books (upside down) and, completely frustrated, I said, "I have just GOT to learn to read." I guess you can say that's where my passion took off. And now, I work with books! I'm in heaven. I landed the dream job.

While combing the aisles not too long ago, Derek and I settled in the philosophy section and camped out. I'm fascinated with philosophy lately, and luckily, Derek is studying it. God bless him for putting up with my oodles of questions. I decided to start my philosophy journey by learning all I can about post-modernism by reading Introducing Post-Modernism: A Graphic Guide to Cutting-Edge Thinking by Richard Appignanessi and Chris Garrat.

I'll do a separate post and further divulge into what I've gleaned from this maddeningly interesting subject, but for now, the back cover sums it up best: 

"Regularly controversial, rarely straighforward, and seldom easy..."

I couldn't have said it better myself. 

Je t'adore, mes cheries!